Saturday, August 22, 2009

Taos Pueblo, NM

Taos Pueblo is considered to be the oldest continuously inhabited community in the US. This postcard represents Hlaauma, the main structure North of 'the river'. The buildings are made entirely of adobe, an earth, straw and water mix. The Pueblo looks much like it did when the conquistadors first arrived. The exception is the introduction of doorways. At one time, the only entrance into the homes was by ladder through an opening in the rooftop.

King Solomon's Knot

King Solomon's knot (link rather) is part of the beautiful mosaic pavement in Basilica di Aquileia, Italy, which dates from the 4th century AD.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Najac, France

This is  Rue de la Portete in beautiful Najac, in  South -West France. Najac is an unusual village - it has just one main street running along the top of a ridge, and is towered over by the Najac fortress at the highest point on the ridge.

Chicago, IL

The restless blue waters of Lake Michigan lap at the shores of the city's impressive skyline.